Category Archives: Gallery Goats

Where are the gallery goats?

the goats and alpaca at yellow dog farm
Yellow Dog Farm – happy and content

Don’t worry, they are at home at Yellow Dog Farm in South Hero.  This has been a crazy spring.  All available times to bring them up have evaoprated quickly.  But – the good news is — the hay has been cut and is now safely stored in the barn loft.  (Many thanks to all who helped!)  Jim has had his much needed foot sugery and while he can not walk for several weeks, I am at home learning all my new duties AND working in the gallery.  So…it is highly likely that soon, I will be farmer enough to throw a couple goats in the back of my Subaru and bring them to the gallery!  I’ll keep you posted on my progress!


Have you met Julia?

Well, you need to!

June and Julia
June and Julia

Julia was born on Saturday, March 25, 2017 via a C-section to her mom, Rain.  Little Julia was pretty beat up from everyone trying to get her out before the c-section.  Think April, the giraffe and you’ll get the idea.  Feet first but could not get her head out.  Oh my.

Rain recuperated (in our mud room) but was not able to nurse Julia.  So Julia is our latest bottle baby!  She spends much time at the gallery with Jim and Ellen.  evenings are in the barn with her cousins, Halle and George, and her mom.

She is pretty darn cute and VERY smart!  But then again she is our kid!

We have kids at the gallery!

Satchmo and Sappy, 050516
Satchmo and Sappy, May 2016
Bix, my wing man!
Luigi's Locks
Luigi’s Locks!

Yes, it is true!  Young Satchmo, Ella’s twin is living at the gallery with his mom Sappy.  He is a healthy 3+ months old – getting bigger by the day.  Yesterday our dear bottle baby Bix and his mom, Rain spent their first night at the gallery.  You know Bix – the LOUD one – who thinks there is food whenever he sees a human walk by!  Bix is now 2 months old and sweet as a button.  Dear, OLD uncle Luigi rounds out this group.  Luigi was our first born, 10 years ago and has a boucle yarn named after him!  He is still quite the character and very friendly!

Yes, we have goats

Yes, we have gallery goats!

Grand Isle Art Works is summer camp for several of our Angora goats! Currently Luigi, Montague, Liebfraumilch, Thunder, and Banjo are enjoying their new digs!

Luigi, our first born! Now 10 years old – the old man at Yellow Dog Farm.

We have had 3 kids born so far this year.  Twins to Sappy – Satchmo and Ella.  Ella was rejected so became our first bottle baby.  Everyone fell in love with her.  Ella passed away on April 11th.  We did not see it coming.  Satchmo continues to do well.  He and his mom will head up to the gallery this weekend.

2016-03-13 15.50.09

We had a single birth to Chianti on April 18th – a little boy kid that we named Bix.  Again, the mom, Chianti – rejected her kid.  Bix is now helping us to heal after losing Ella.  He has a great personality and can be seen at the gallery most days that we are open.  A bit tricky with the cafe in operation – but we are working around and with all the animal rules!


Come on out and see for yourself – Angora goats are very social and love people.  They also produce great fiber for yarn!