Tag Archives: kids

We have kids at the gallery!

Satchmo and Sappy, 050516
Satchmo and Sappy, May 2016
Bix, my wing man!
Luigi's Locks
Luigi’s Locks!

Yes, it is true!  Young Satchmo, Ella’s twin is living at the gallery with his mom Sappy.  He is a healthy 3+ months old – getting bigger by the day.  Yesterday our dear bottle baby Bix and his mom, Rain spent their first night at the gallery.  You know Bix – the LOUD one – who thinks there is food whenever he sees a human walk by!  Bix is now 2 months old and sweet as a button.  Dear, OLD uncle Luigi rounds out this group.  Luigi was our first born, 10 years ago and has a boucle yarn named after him!  He is still quite the character and very friendly!